From my meditations in the Julian Shrine in Norwich, prayers for a Rosary for the Weekdays in Lent, from the bodily Showings of Jesus Christ to Lady Julian of Norwich. The Mysteries of the Passion.
On the Medal, say: Grant O Lord Christ the wounds of True Contrition for my sins, Natural Compassion for Thy sufferings, and a Willful Longing for God. (Ch. 2)
On the first Our Father bead, Announce: The Mysteries of the Passion. And say the Our Father:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
On the three small beads, for Faith, Hope, and Charity, say the Julian Prayer:
God, of Thy goodness, give me Thyself, for Thou art enough to me, and I can ask nothing less that may be to Thy Glory. And if I ask anything less, ever shall I want, but only in Thee have I all. Amen.
On the chain, say the Glory Be:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Then on the each of the Our Father Beads announce a Mystery of the Passion:
1. The Precious Crowning with Thorns (Chapter 4, Showing I)
(In this suddenly I saw the red blood flowing down from under the garland, hot and fresh and right plenteously, as it were in the time of His Passion)
2. The Discoloring of Christ’s Fair Face [with blood] (Chapter 10, Showing II)
(It made me think of the Holy Vernical in Rome, which He imprinted with His own blessed face when He was in His hard Passion . . . the fairest of heaven, so discolored with blood)
3. The Scourging of Christ’s Tender Body (Chapter 12, Showing IV)
(I saw the body plenteously bleeding as it were from the scourging, the fair skin broken full deep into the tender flesh)
4. The Last Pains of Christ’s Cruel Dying (Chapter 16, Showing VIII)
(I saw His sweet face as it were dry and bloodless . . . )
5. Christ’s Blissful Heart Broken in Two for Love (Chapter 24, Showing X)
(And with sweet beholding He showed His blissful heart cloven in two)
On each of the decade beads, repeat The Julian Prayer
On the chain before each Our Father Bead, repeat the Glory Be
On the Medal at the end, say Christ’s words: Lo how I loved thee, Lo how I loved thee, Lo how I loved thee. And now is all my bitter pain and hard passion turned to endless joy.
~ Will, ObJN
(Please feel free to use and duplicate this as you wish.)
Filed under: Julian of Norwich, Prayer Tagged: Julian, prayer, Rosary